Established in the year 1802, a group of five visionary wizards embarked on a noble mission to create an exceptional institution of magical learning. James Perry, Susan Potter, Gregory Polkiss, Kevin Bryce, and Ariana Wood joined forces to shape a brighter future for aspiring witches and wizards. Their journey commenced with the crucial task of selecting a suitable location, which proved to be a formidable challenge as they sought a place far from the prying eyes of No-Majs (non-magical individuals).
After an arduous and disappointing search, it was Founder James Perry who conceived a brilliant solution—a custom-made island. This enchanted island would be ingeniously crafted within the vast expanse of Lake Superior, located north of the state of Michigan in the United States. Summoning the earth to the designated location alone consumed nearly six months of meticulous effort, followed by another half a year to magically conceal the island from view. The founders intended for the school to remain hidden, only discernible within the magical boundaries or by those aboard the school ferries.
Initially, the school consisted of a modest building comprising five classrooms and a grand hall that served as the communal dining area for students and staff. Operating as a day school, students arrived at the institution via magical ferries—a fleet of enchanting sailing ships with wooden hulls and three masts. These ferries, captained by a single individual, possessed a unique enchantment that ensured their compliance with the will of the helm holder. Drawing inspiration from the legendary pirate and wizard, Blackbeard, the ferries were initially nameless. However, upon the passing of the last founder in 1873, the headmaster and the board of magical education decided it fitting to rename the ferries in honor of the esteemed founders. Henceforth, they were known as the LSF (Lake Superior Ferry) Perry, LSF Potter, LSF Polkiss, LSF Bryce, and LSF Wood. In response to the increasing presence of No-Maj ships and their changing appearance, protective spells were cast upon the ferries, rendering them invisible to non-magical individuals.
In 1826, the school transitioned from a day school to a boarding school due to an incident involving Captain Tells Werth and his crew, who inadvertently followed one of the ferries. To their astonishment, the ship vanished upon reaching its destination. Upon docking, Captain Werth promptly informed the school staff about the peculiar occurrence. The headmaster, using the power of legemancy, interrogated the captain and learned of his curiosity regarding the ferry’s mysterious journeys. Fearing the potential spread of such inquisitiveness or even darker intentions, the school board resolved to convert the institution into a boarding school. Starting the following year, students would reside on the island, limiting ferry crossings to a few select occasions. During the school holidays, the island underwent expansion, and the school building underwent a wondrous transformation, evolving into a magnificent castle.
As the school flourished as a boarding institution, parents who found the daily ferry trips cumbersome, and those residing far away, began sending their children to the school. Within five years, the expanded island and castle could no longer accommodate the growing number of students and staff. The island underwent further expansion, and the castle underwent magical enhancements, transforming into the splendid six-towered castle that students cherish to this day. Whenever space became insufficient, additional floors were magically added to each of the four house towers and the two staff towers. Beneath the castle, extra floors of classrooms were constructed to accommodate the burgeoning population. Remarkably, the great hall received an extension charm, enabling it to accommodate what is believed to be an unlimited number of people. The magical grounds themselves even displayed a touch of individuality, adding a surprise of their own. One fine day, the dedicated groundskeeper awoke to prepare the sports fields and discovered the presence of a third field, a magical expansion that delighted the students but left the groundskeeper feeling slightly overwhelmed by the increased workload.